Herbs for Hormonal Balance: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Women
I’ve spent years studying and using herbs for all things women’s health—and let me tell you, they can be game-changers. What I love most is that herbs have been used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, long before modern science caught up to their benefits. When it comes to hormones, herbs can be powerful allies. Not all women want, need, or can use hormone therapy, and many are looking for additional support alongside diet, lifestyle, and exercise. That’s where these plant-based powerhouses come in.

Are Bio-Identical Hormones (BHT) Legit?
Wow, this is an oddly polarizing and confusing subject for women’s health. I’ve seen educators say that bio-identical hormone replacement doesn’t exist (It does). I’ve seen posts that it’s only pellet therapy (it’s not). Or that it’s about hormones made from compounding pharmacies (again, it’s not exclusively). This misinformation is hurtful to women trying to understand hormones if they choose to go that route. Let’s get into what it is, and what it is not! According to Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, WebMD, and Wikipedia (for better or worse) the definition of bio-identical hormones…

Are Certain Sounds Driving You Crazy?
Have you noticed as you’ve gotten older that you are more sound sensitive, or less sound tolerant? Maybe you’ve described it as “sound irritated,” in that certain sounds send you through the roof!? I certainly have. Turns out, this is a thing. There are two main categories when evaluating sounds and how they impact your body - Misphonia and Hyperacusis. Misophonia is an intense dislike or hatred of specific sounds…

What’s the Deal with Prometrium (Progesterone)?
You’ve asked about progesterone therapy so I thought I would do a quick FAQ on Prometrium as it's so commonly prescribed. Prometrium®️ = micronized progesterone that is "chemically identical to progesterone of human ovarian origin." This means it's a bio (or body) identical hormone therapy. 🙌 It is not a progestin (synthetic). 👎 The prescription progestin medication is Provera. It’s also called medroxyprogesterone acetate. Despite the word ‘progesterone’ in there - it’s not. Quick Notes on Prometrium…

Dry Mouth, TMJ, or Burning Tongue?
You would think the symptoms of this whole menopausal transition would stop with hot flashes or insomnia. But, nope. It turns out many women get all sorts of symptoms that impact their mouth, jaw, and oral microbiome. It turns out, both estradiol and progesterone play a role in the “gateway to the body” known as your mouth! Thankfully, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing some amazing integrative or holistic dentists who break down the stats, what they see in their office and most importantly, what you can do!

WTF Is A Hot Flash?
Isn’t it so rude when you’re sitting there minding your business and suddenly, out of nowhere, the surge of heat comes from your inner core!? Like…how? And why? You’re not alone. Studies estimate that over 70% of women going through the menopausal journey experience what’s called “vasomotor symptoms.” This is a fancy term for hot flashes and/or night sweats. In fact, some women experience these symptoms for YEARS - the average being 7.4 years depending on the woman. In this article, I cover…

Heart Palpitations in Perimenopause?
Heart palpitations, fluttering, or skipped beats can be scary! It turns out, they can be a common symptom that occurs during the whole hormonal transition. According to this review, up to 42% of perimenopausal women and 54% of postmenopausal women report having palpitations. That's a lot! I’ve experienced them too. It was probably 2 years ago and BAM out of nowhere I started getting heart palpitations…

Vaginal Dryness and Sex: What Every Woman Needs to Know!
Like the popular 90’s song says, “Let’s talk about sex, baby! Let’s talk about you and me! Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things…” Unfortunately, 10-50% of women can experience pain with sex or vaginal dryness as they move through the menopausal transition. It falls under the umbrella term, Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause. This includes vaginal dryness (not just with sex but all the time), vulvar atrophy (become thin/dry), urinary incontinence (urge to go), and pain with sex. It’s not fair and no fun but there are definitely things you can do!

To Testosterone or Not to Testosterone?
There seems to be a lot of controversy around testosterone replacement. It is billed as the solution for low sex drive, building muscle, and improving mood. Yet, not all women notice a difference when they supplement and the guidelines are specific that it’s only indicated for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). In fact, the Global Consensus Position Statement on the Use of Testosterone Therapy for Women states “Testosterone therapy, in doses that approximate physiological testosterone concentrations for premenopausal women, exerts a beneficial effect on…

When Is HRT Actually Indicated?
PHEW! There is some serious controversy around this especially as there are the guidelines and then there are clinical experiences or new research articles not yet included in the guidelines. When it comes to estrogen in particular, I want to outline what is recommended and what is FDA approved. Do keep in mind that a guideline is not a law - this piece of advice was given to me by an oncologist (believe it or not). However, it’s a solid place to start if you’re considering hormones. Right now, the Menopause Society...

Is it Perimenopause, a Thyroid Problem, or Both?
Perimenopause is a transitional state of midlife that tends to come with a number of symptoms. According to my friend and researcher, Andrea Donsky at Morphus, there are over 100 signs and symptoms you might experience. Some of those include fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, period changes, digestive changes, and more. It turns out, many of those same symptoms overlap with the symptoms of thyroid problems! This is important to know as it’s estimated that Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism are way more common in women ages 30-50 years old. In fact, this study states...

Is Perimenopausal Rage Real?
The short answer is yes. Rage can be very real and is more common as women move through the perimenopausal transition. In general, about 40% of women experience mood changes because of the hormone changes (and stress. We can’t forget the extra stress). This can include everything from depression to anxiety, to feeling more introverted and unmotivated to panic attacks. In there, extreme anger or “perimenopausal rage” might also come out. I was having a meeting with another perimenopausal woman who told me the story of when...

My Hormone Interview on The Dhru Purohit Show
I had the opportunity to be on The Dhru Purohit podcast where we talked through all sorts of myths women hear when they hit their 40's and beyond. Listen up or watch the video to learn about what the heck is happening, protein and muscles, mitochondria and hormones, sleep, mood, HRT, and why I love the word, "no" more than ever!

How Do I Know If It’s Time For Progesterone?
Hormone replacement therapy is all over social media - with good reason! Which might leave you wondering, “Is progesterone right for me?” But first, what is progesterone? It’s your “pro-gestation” hormone as it plays a huge role in fertility. However, it also helps you feel calm, sleep better, have easier periods, and reduces PMS. It’s made in the second half of your cycle ONLY after you ovulate (or release the egg). Unfortunately, as we hit perimenopause, we make less and less progesterone. It’s even worse if you’ve gone through menopause or had your ovaries removed!

In the Event of Perimenopause, Put Your Mask On First
How many times have you flown and heard the flight attendant repeat, “In the event of an emergency, put your mask on first before helping others?” I bet it’s a lot and it’s for good reason. If you suddenly lose cabin pressure, how can you help yourself, your family, friends, or those around you if you didn’t put your mask on FIRST!? Turns out, this even applies to you if you’re solidly in mid-life. I would bet that you’ve spent a lot more of your life giving instead of taking, nurturing instead of being nurtured, caring instead of getting care, and thoughtful instead of being thought of...

Do You Need DHEA?
DHEA and DHEA-S are the most abundant steroid hormones floating around in your body! They are considered androgens and are made predominantly by your adrenal glands and your ovaries. DHEA is a “pro-hormone” or “precursor” that goes on to make hormones known as androstenedione and androstenediol. These two “A” hormones can then make testosterone, estrogens, or other downstream androgen hormones. Think of DHEA as being near the top of the funnel for your hormone production!

Explaining Your Progesterone Options
Whether it’s time to start progesterone, you’re considering it, or just wondering about your options, you’re in the right place! Progesterone is a hormone made predominantly in your ovaries after ovulation. It does a lot in the body but it’s primarily known for its positive effects on your uterus and the calming effects on your brain. If you’re not ovulating anymore, or if you’re not ovulating as strongly as you once did, your progesterone levels can decline. Generally speaking, most hormone societies and laboratories say…

Is the Ringing in Your Ears Getting Worse?
The other night I was laying bed and my ears started ringing…again. I’ve been noticing this is happening more like 1-2 times per week instead of once a month. I especially notice it at night when it’s quiet. It doesn’t last long but it’s annoying. Turns out, it’s not an uncommon symptom in perimenopause. I posted on Instagram about it and received a TON of comments and dms from women like you experiencing the SAME THING. Ringing in the ears is called tinnitus. It can sound like ringing, a high pitched beep, shushing, loud white noise, whooshing, buzzing, or a number of other descriptive factors. There are several known causes for it such as…

What Phase Of Perimenopause Am I In?
I tend to break perimenopause into early, mid, and late. I, personally, am somewhere between early and middle perimenopause and here’s why. If you still get your period and have your ovaries, research says approximately 50% of women will experience menstrual abnormalities by age 45.5 years. Women who have experienced ≥3 months of amenorrhea (no period) are highly likely (about 95%) to become postmenopausal within the next 4 years.

What Hormones Am I Taking?
You asked and I’m answering - “Dr. Carrie, are you taking hormones and if so, what ones?” The short answer is YES! I’m taking progesterone. I’m not yet taking estrogens or testosterone. I’m probably going to start DHEA. The long answer is…I am in my mid-40’s pushing into late 40’s. About 2-3 years ago, my sleep started to suck as did my mood prior to my periods. Given all my hormone training, I figured it was time for progesterone. My labs indicated that I did ovulate (release the egg), however the resulting progesterone production was not that great anymore. I began taking…