Is Perimenopausal Rage Real?

The short answer is yes. Rage can be very real and is more common as women move through the perimenopausal transition. In general, about 40% of women experience mood changes because of the hormone changes (and stress. We can’t forget the extra stress). This can include everything from depression to anxiety, to feeling more introverted and unmotivated to panic attacks. In there, extreme anger or “perimenopausal rage” might also come out.

I was having a meeting with another perimenopausal woman who told me the story of when a younger person asked her one day if her symptoms were due to perimenopause. “OF COURSE NOT, EFF OFF” was all she could think…except that younger person was right and as my friend said on reflection, “That was the start of the rage.”

Both estrogens as a hormonal family and progesterone play an important role on the neurotransmitters in our brain. This means they influence those hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, GABA, glutamate, and even oxytocin. These impact how we think, how we remember, how we execute, how we multi-task, how we empathize, how we do in a group setting, how we connect with friends and family, and our emotions.

If you’ve hit the mid-life and have started questioning what’s going on with your mood or your emotions, you’re not alone.

It can be worse if you have already have a history of depression or anxiety as they can then worsen or return.

However, you may find yourself feeling downright irritable or losing patience compared to your younger years. You might be quick to snap or notice your temper is not as controlled.

One study found that some 70% of women report irritability as a top symptom in perimenopause! This can progress into full blown rage or rageful moments.

While I’m a HUGE fan of women finding their voice, their confidence and their boundaries at this time in life, I don’t want you to lose your job, go to jail, or alienate yourself from friends and family if rage isn’t the emotion you ultimately intended! You are still responsible for your own actions here!

What can you do?

Recognize it ASAP!

Take a breath, figure out your biggest triggers, and find a way to manage that.

Understand and give yourself grace that your hormones ARE changing and life is probably not smooth sailing which adds to your daily stress.

Regularly check-in with yourself - Have you eaten? Are you thirsty? Do you need caffeine? Maybe a 5 min walk or breath session? Did you get any sleep the night before? Pretend you are a houseplant with some more needs.

Ask for help or focus on boundaries that will help REDUCE your stress and pressure so that you’re less likely to feel rageful.

There are options for both medications, hormones and supplements that support these mood changes! Everyone is unique as one person might truly need an antidepressant, someone else may need to start hormone therapy, and a third may feel benefit with nutrients such as vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids and 5-HTP. Of course, it may be a combination that works for you!

In fact, this article did a review and found omega-3 fatty acids lowered aggression! I’m a fan of this!

Lastly, it’s totally okay and encouraged to seek counseling and talk this through. In fact, you might find that cognitive behavioral therapy helps your mood, sleep, stress, hot flashes, and more!

Carrie Jones

an educational website focusing on hormones

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