My Hormone Interview on The Dhru Purohit Show
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

My Hormone Interview on The Dhru Purohit Show

I had the opportunity to be on The Dhru Purohit podcast where we talked through all sorts of myths women hear when they hit their 40's and beyond. Listen up or watch the video to learn about what the heck is happening, protein and muscles, mitochondria and hormones, sleep, mood, HRT, and why I love the word, "no" more than ever!

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How Do I Know If It’s Time For Progesterone?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

How Do I Know If It’s Time For Progesterone?

Hormone replacement therapy is all over social media - with good reason! Which might leave you wondering, “Is progesterone right for me?” But first, what is progesterone? It’s your “pro-gestation” hormone as it plays a huge role in fertility. However, it also helps you feel calm, sleep better, have easier periods, and reduces PMS. It’s made in the second half of your cycle ONLY after you ovulate (or release the egg). Unfortunately, as we hit perimenopause, we make less and less progesterone. It’s even worse if you’ve gone through menopause or had your ovaries removed!

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What Is Phase 3 Hormone Detox?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

What Is Phase 3 Hormone Detox?

One of my absolute favorite topics in all of science is the detoxification of your hormones, specifically estrogens. Estrone (E1) and estradiol (E2) generally go through 3 phases of breakdown in order to render them water soluble. This means you can then eliminate them through your kidneys into your urine or through your intestines into your stool. This is final step is known as phase 3 detoxification. It’s important this phase is working well as it gets your hormones OUT of the body similar to your sewer line drawing all the waste from your house...

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Fatigue, Weakness & Depression? Might Be Low B12
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Fatigue, Weakness & Depression? Might Be Low B12

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) is an essential water-soluble vitamin that plays a HUGE role in your nervous system, red blood cell formation, DNA synthesis, detoxification, ATP production and more! Depending on the literature, 6-15% of people under the age of 60 and 20% or more over the age of 60 are deficient! This is concerning as the symptoms are so common and often blown off yet the treatment is so simple! If you have low B12, you’re likely to experience: Fatigue or weakness, Shortness of breath. Numbness or tingling in your hands and/or feet. Balance problems (maybe difficulty walking or shuffling), Memory loss, confusion or cognitive issues, Depression...

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In the Event of Perimenopause, Put Your Mask On First
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

In the Event of Perimenopause, Put Your Mask On First

How many times have you flown and heard the flight attendant repeat, “In the event of an emergency, put your mask on first before helping others?” I bet it’s a lot and it’s for good reason. If you suddenly lose cabin pressure, how can you help yourself, your family, friends, or those around you if you didn’t put your mask on FIRST!? Turns out, this even applies to you if you’re solidly in mid-life. I would bet that you’ve spent a lot more of your life giving instead of taking, nurturing instead of being nurtured, caring instead of getting care, and thoughtful instead of being thought of...

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DIM or Sulforaphane for Estrogen?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

DIM or Sulforaphane for Estrogen?

The answer is - it depends! First, this might sound greek if you’re not familiar with supplements or foods that support estrogen detoxification! I have another article on [DIM here]( to catch you up. It comes from mature broccoli and supports phase 1 estrogen detoxification. Sulforaphane predominantly comes from young broccoli sprouts and supports phase 2 estrogen detoxification! My personal favorite is to start with eating broccoli sprouts or using a broccoli sprout/sulforaphane product. This essentially works to open all the drains in your house so the water can drain out to the sewer line. In fact, sulforaphane seems to activate over 500 genes in your body..

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Is Stress Screwing Up Your Blood Sugar?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Is Stress Screwing Up Your Blood Sugar?

Have you noticed in times of stress, especially chronic stress, that you feel puffier, thicker around the middle, or become immediately hangry? One of your main stress hormones is called Cortisol. If cortisol had a resume, the first thing it would say is, “I increase your blood sugar!” Unfortunately, this is not talked about enough as stress could be part of the reason your blood sugar is higher than optimal and playing a role in your symptoms. Cortisol is a nervous system hormone made by your adrenal glands that sit on top of your kidneys. Yes, you have two adrenal glands! Cortisol is known as a gluco-cortico-steroid hormone. “Gluco” because it raises glucose (blood sugar) in times of stress so you have it readily available for your brain and muscles to fight or run…

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Do You Need DHEA?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Do You Need DHEA?

DHEA and DHEA-S are the most abundant steroid hormones floating around in your body! They are considered androgens and are made predominantly by your adrenal glands and your ovaries. DHEA is a “pro-hormone” or “precursor” that goes on to make hormones known as androstenedione and androstenediol. These two “A” hormones can then make testosterone, estrogens, or other downstream androgen hormones. Think of DHEA as being near the top of the funnel for your hormone production!

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Explaining Your Progesterone Options
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Explaining Your Progesterone Options

Whether it’s time to start progesterone, you’re considering it, or just wondering about your options, you’re in the right place! Progesterone is a hormone made predominantly in your ovaries after ovulation. It does a lot in the body but it’s primarily known for its positive effects on your uterus and the calming effects on your brain. If you’re not ovulating anymore, or if you’re not ovulating as strongly as you once did, your progesterone levels can decline. Generally speaking, most hormone societies and laboratories say…

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Is the Ringing in Your Ears Getting Worse?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Is the Ringing in Your Ears Getting Worse?

The other night I was laying bed and my ears started ringing…again. I’ve been noticing this is happening more like 1-2 times per week instead of once a month. I especially notice it at night when it’s quiet. It doesn’t last long but it’s annoying. Turns out, it’s not an uncommon symptom in perimenopause. I posted on Instagram about it and received a TON of comments and dms from women like you experiencing the SAME THING. Ringing in the ears is called tinnitus. It can sound like ringing, a high pitched beep, shushing, loud white noise, whooshing, buzzing, or a number of other descriptive factors. There are several known causes for it such as…

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Favorite High Cortisol Herbs
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Favorite High Cortisol Herbs

Stress sucks (mostly). It affects all aspects of our health, including pieces you didn’t even realize. Chronic stress can impact your hormones, your hair growth, the quality of your skin, your energy, your immune system and more. It can ramp up your anxiety, cause problems with your sleep, and ruin your symptoms of PMS. When I use the word “stress,” I mean anything that is physical, mental, emotional, environmental or otherwise that is messing you up. Of course there are good stressors - such as healthy exercise, planning a wedding you’re psyched for, and the travel day of a vacation. I’m not talking about that…

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A Favorite Herb: Holy Basil/Tulsi
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

A Favorite Herb: Holy Basil/Tulsi

Every single night I drink tulsi rose tea. I even take it with me when I travel, that’s how much I love it. Tulsi is a sacred Ayurvedic herb that also goes by Holy Basil. It’s latin names are *Ocimum tenuiflorum* (or *Ocimum sanctum* L.) I’ll just call it Tulsi and explain why it’s also called, “Elixir of Life” given all it can do in the body for healing practices. I, personally, like the calming aspect of it. Tulsi is in the mint family but it doesn’t taste minty. Not to get nerdy but in human, animal and cell studies, it has been shown to be adaptogenic, metabolically supportive, modulatory to the immune system, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective (liver), antimicrobial, and have antidiabetic effects(1). Whew! That’s a lot!

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What Phase Of Perimenopause Am I In?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

What Phase Of Perimenopause Am I In?

I tend to break perimenopause into early, mid, and late. I, personally, am somewhere between early and middle perimenopause and here’s why. If you still get your period and have your ovaries, research says approximately 50% of women will experience menstrual abnormalities by age 45.5 years. Women who have experienced ≥3 months of amenorrhea (no period) are highly likely (about 95%) to become postmenopausal within the next 4 years.

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What Hormones Am I Taking?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

What Hormones Am I Taking?

You asked and I’m answering - “Dr. Carrie, are you taking hormones and if so, what ones?” The short answer is YES! I’m taking progesterone. I’m not yet taking estrogens or testosterone. I’m probably going to start DHEA. The long answer is…I am in my mid-40’s pushing into late 40’s. About 2-3 years ago, my sleep started to suck as did my mood prior to my periods. Given all my hormone training, I figured it was time for progesterone. My labs indicated that I did ovulate (release the egg), however the resulting progesterone production was not that great anymore. I began taking…

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What Exactly Are Bio (Body) Identical Hormones?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

What Exactly Are Bio (Body) Identical Hormones?

I recently received a great DM on instagram asking me to explain what bio (body) identical hormones are and how they are different from what is the birth control pill or what was looked at in the Women’s Health Initiative study. Bio or body identical are hormone preparations such as estradiol (an estrogen) or progesterone that look exactly like the hormones you have in your body. These are commercially available at your local pharmacy such as the popular estradiol patches or Prometrium (the progesterone pill). Estradiol and progesterone can also be compounded at compounding pharmacies. Progesterone cream is often available over-the-counter as well that is bio (body) identical.

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Busting Melatonin Myths
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Busting Melatonin Myths

Let’s bust some myths around the powerful hormone, melatonin! There are a lot of controversies out there that I want to clear up! Starting with the facts, melatonin has multiple jobs in your body. While it’s called a hormone, it’s a powerful antioxidant and has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and heavy metal binding properties. In fact authors in this paper(1) state, “Melatonin has been effectively used to combat oxidative stress, inflammation and cellular apoptosis and to restore function in a number of human trials.”

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At What Age Should You Stop Your Hormones?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

At What Age Should You Stop Your Hormones?

Years ago, I was taught in medical school that women should be on the lowest dose of hormones for the shortest amount of time. For many women, this was a period of 5-10 years then they would stop. I couldn’t understand why they had to stop as many of their symptoms would return! Imagine starting hormones at 45 years old and by 55 years old, giving them up. No surprise when they called reporting insomnia, weight gain, hot flashes, brain fog, mood changes, and more. Plus, increasing the risk for cardiometabolic disease, bone loss, and dementia…

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Should The Menopause Definition Get Updated?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Should The Menopause Definition Get Updated?

“Recognition that menopause, for most women, is a natural biological event, does not exempt the use of interventions to alleviate symptoms. Optimising health at menopause is the gateway to healthy aging for women.” Researcher Susan Davis, Monash University Women’s Health Research Program. Woo! Preach. However the treatment looks (hormones or not), this transition needs addressing for our long term health. In addition, their team are proposing a new definition of menopause that I personally love. They suggest instead of focusing everything around menstruation (or not), we instead focus on the ovaries and that menopause is the “final cessation of ovarian function.”

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Is it Dementia, Stress, or Hormones?
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Is it Dementia, Stress, or Hormones?

Have you ever noticed that your brain doesn’t work as well as it used to? Maybe it’s just during certain parts of your cycle. Maybe it’s during times of high stress. Maybe it’s been worse in the perimenopausal transition. The fact is, your brain function absolutely CAN shift during this time! It turns out, high stress can affect a part of the brain known as the hippocampus. In short, this region helps with memory. Long term stress can affect the neurons in there and actually cause shrinkage to that area!

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Phantom Smells are Annoying
Carrie Jones Carrie Jones

Phantom Smells are Annoying

I had my first phantom smell. Dr. LaKeischa warned me about them as a possibility but I didn’t realize it would temporarily make me feel CRAZY! Not long ago, I was in my bathroom and could smell a sewer smell. I asked my husband to see if he could smell it thinking we needed to fix the drain. Naturally, he couldn’t smell anything. “Smell harder!” I said as he’s sniffing as hard as he can while walking around the bathroom. “No, I don’t smell anything. It doesn’t smell like sewer gases.”

I was confused. It was SO CLEAR that the sewer gas smell was in my bathroom. A few days later while running errands out of my house, it happened again. Immediately I knew it was a phantom smell. <cue annoyed eye roll>

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