What’s the Deal with Prometrium (Progesterone)?
You’ve asked about progesterone therapy so I thought I would do a quick FAQ on Prometrium as it's so commonly prescribed. Prometrium®️ = micronized progesterone that is "chemically identical to progesterone of human ovarian origin." This means it's a bio (or body) identical hormone therapy. 🙌 It is not a progestin (synthetic). 👎 The prescription progestin medication is Provera. It’s also called medroxyprogesterone acetate. Despite the word ‘progesterone’ in there - it’s not. Quick Notes on Prometrium…

What Is “Estrogen Dominance?”
The phrase, ‘estrogen dominance’ gets used a lot in functional, integrative, holistic, and naturopathic medicine. However, it is not well recognized in more conventional medicine despite the symptoms women are having. I’m here to help clear this up and provide more understanding about what it means!